
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

From The Golden First-Column Goose to the Fifth-Column Chopping Block on the Edge of the Apocalypse

As Marx was not wrong to note, surplus value is appropriated by those who have control of the means to deploy violent force with relative impunity. In cases where there is no such impunity, then it is in proportion as they have the might to protect their claims that they have any demonstrable rights to those claims at all. This "realpolitik" of the realm of material existence in which we live, which we call "this world", is certainly amply demonstrated by history. And certainly, if one subtracts the ideological rhetoric from all of the instruments of power's codifications in the realm of human tradition and custom, throughout history, and leaves just the naked conduits of power and their effective transmission in the form of how wealth is created and distributed, it will be found that there is no argument stronger than "brute facts" in the discussion of how Power functions in this world from its origin to this day. Yet the rhetoric of ideals remains, and polishes these forms of brute power and struggle and make for many a fine delusion about what is "worthy" and what is "unworthy". Power is masquerading as beneficence, even as the very Fleur de Lis of Authority.

The entire structure of human action in all fields, to include the realm of economics which mainly has to do with the exchange of goods and services under the watchful eyes (and guns) of Power, shows that there are certain minimal necessities which must be maintained in order for the current system to obtain and maintain a certain homeostasis. This may depend no less on the artificial scarcity of some values, so that certain "utilities" are marginalized or even subtracted completely from "certain markets". That is usually done openly in the form of official declarations of what is available on the market, and these are estimated to have certain ranges of exchange possibility that gives price indexes, and these values are cleared out "as if" these declarations were true. Obviously if there is a "hidden market" or a "black market" or even a "beyond black" market, these reflect the exercise of power; mainly power over information and power over primary means of production of energy (fuel, food, data, etc), but also power over culture.

Power over culture is power over the exchange of ideas and values among people through the various venues that we know of already, such as knowledge, art, discourse, recreation, and the various adventures always available to leaders of ambition and initiative, who lead themselves into new frontiers at least, and show that culture, in reality, is built on "the first column", the individual. The roles of the individual in his own life, even as abstracted from the unavoidable embeddedness it will have with all the lives around him that form his society, is truly the "heart" of culture. Behind every single important fact of culture, is ONE MAN. Eventually, if one digs deep enough, perhaps in the furthest reaches of time one would need a chronoscope in order to do so, one will find ONE MAN applying himself so that his vision of a potentiality which he wants to explore is engaged through will and act, and then becomes an actualized reality. Others see this and learn to adapt themselves to HIS will and act, or they will not accomplish it. If they independently reach something similar, then and only then can it be said that more than one man was involved, but they were each still involved separately and what they have in common as much as anything else is their singularity. Of course this is an oversimplification, and there are many grades of participation in singularity that hold both individual and group constituents, just as there are many layers of such developments, many interrelations, and many refinements and cross-pollinations and other forms of exchange that breathe life into even the most singular endeavor. But regardless, it is still true that where the rubber hits the road, if it was created, then an individual created it. Many individuals can come together and each will yet be an individual, creating his part. And whatever comes together from all those parts, forms a whole that is the sum of individuals and their unique creations, and "writes large" each one in due proportion.

That would be the relation of the first to the second, then the third to the fourth columns, which constitute a social state. The individual individuates through various mediating roles, and creates. This process is concatenated through groupings of "creators and appreciators" to borrow from Evola, and then there is generated a massive cultural expression that creates both productive basis for the creation of ideas and values and the markets of their exchange, which creates the fullness of the expression of the idea of humanity, primarily in how it does not minimize the individual, and in direct proportion to how it magnifies him.

Now there is going to be a variety of life forms in the world, including the world of human social states. And there will be those who want to receive benefits but produce nothing. Surely they would not be well-received in terms of society's distribution of another set of ideas and values, that of class, credit, honor and worth. But they may still find ways to obtain what they want, if conditions are just right. Just as someone may abscond with what is another's when they aren't looking, especially if they are trusting (or the thief is invisible), so may some obtain what they want unjustly by making their possession of it either not detected, or not detected in a way that makes it known to be wrong. Let's say that were all that they did, and they only did it with material things. That would be bad enough, and one would understand problems which might arise from such parasitism. Eventually many problems would arise even if they simply took what they wanted and left, as tribes once did in the form of extracting tribute. But what if they stick around and start messing with everyone else's private lives? It would be a problem perhaps, but not if they could be identified and pushed out by the cooperative effort of those who would not like their lives meddled with by such folk. But what if they found ways to keep themselves around at least in the public sphere through various governmental and non-governmental entities? Whether such entities "could" have viability in the four-columnar system of the social state, it seems that they are rather open to the opportunity to provide fronts for the activities of a "fifth column" operating behind them as a screen, as are corporations, institutions of any kind really. The usurpation of surplus value is one thing, but aggregated to a mass scale, it takes on momentous proportions that can be best described as exponentiated.

When such a system of "fifth columnry" begins to exist, it is really nothing more than all that is worst about banditry maintaining its presence rather than just taking its evil cut of the pie and going away for a while. This is the form of parasitism that cuts the deepest, for it insinuates itself into all forms of the culture in which the individual's opportunities to translate his freedom from one form into another through the mediating tissues of social context is warped into growingly nothing but a series of opportunities to test "new lows" in depravity for those who can turn the public space into their own personal shooting gallery for criminal scores.  I think if one has looked at or does look at the body of my writings on this blog one can see exactly what group of people I'm driving at. Some of them are helping to maintain the "necessary minimum" that keeps the Happy Fifthing Grounds running, and nothing more. But they are looking the other way, and they make a citizenry of dupes the new common denominator which constitutes the most over-praised "bottom of the barrel" that has ever existed. To call them "citizens" is a bemusing joke. Then it only gets worse. Some are involved in structural and systemic embezzlement schemes, but still are allowed to influence society just as if their glut of vile dollars meant something, when a humble janitor's money (and his say) is worth more, especially if he doesn't "look the other way".  And there must have been at least a few hero janitors who have maintained a good conscience in "guilty world'.

Some are doing just a little "fifthin’" on the way to their normal lives, some "fifth" as their normal lives. Some do both as if there were no difference. Some are so compartmentalized they don't know the difference. But they all work to maintain the dragging down of the social state into the despair of organized criminal racketeering, whether or not they know it, whether or not they have families and take their kids to the park and have picnics, or whether or not they are straight or gay, or whether or not they are of any race, and whether or not they have any virtue or ability or disability or not. And they are all worse than they should have been even as they are now, for this fifthin’. Even if none of the surface of society "fifthed", then if there were a covert system in operation, like a parasite it would slowly drag down society into its orbit of lowliness. Just as organized crime has been known to do, or raider tribes that become larger and more demanding, or bodily infections that get beyond a certain point, or errors that go uncorrected and multiply, or any other system by which small evils graduate into worse ones, or systemic developments that arise from what were before only a few "one-offers", or systemic processes that become destabilized, deformed, or utterly corrupted.

And that is what the world is today. And it has been, more or less, this way, since city states began according to recorded history, and even according to archaeological pre-recorded prehistory. The cycle of productivity and plunder is all this human world has to show for itself. And it not only shows no sign of getting better, but only of getting worse. And if it had an eternity to continue, who knows what debasement it could sink into becoming? Only Rod Serling's worst nightmares give us any proper clue. But we can see the exponentiating process revealing itself more and more the more and more we look. Most look the other way, though. I have to say that this is worse than anything Schopenhauer might have believed possible. But his hardier form of pessimism was well insulated by wealth and a certain naive distance from the amazing exponentiating power of knowledge and method, science and technology, information asymmetry and covertly redistributed wealth. The power to lie to people was always a part of the fabric of the "elite" cultural parasitism, but now there is the power to dwarf men’s minds into being exponentially more gullible than they ever could have been by the vice of their own duplicity. And it is here now, deploying in further and further subtle aggressions in plain sight, in many major cities throughout the country. Psychotronic systems are "on the move" and people are celebrating faster downloads and more efficient fifth column stalking apps. People are being artificially being made poor and then offered pathetic hand-out UBIs in a system that is no better than a gulag compared to what is really possible. While the elite monsters absorb all the "surplus value" into themselves, they also routinely and massively pounce on private worlds of value, invade private lives, demand conformity to false norms, and attack the very innocence and untouchable purity of children. AND YOU LET IT HAPPEN!

I once said as a joke that you could best describe most government agents this way: C-grade acting talent paid exorbitant sums to pretend at a job that either isn't real, they aren't really doing, or couldn't do well at anyway. Further, the better they are at that, the more they are paid. Top paid individuals get to do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they pretend, or others pretend, that they are doing. Imagine a world where people who fight crime are in fact PAID TO COMMIT CRIME, who protect people are PAID TO VIOLATE PEOPLE. Well you are in that world NOW. I think it’s funny that some would like to invert the picture and claim that "others" are the parasite, the threat, the problem. But some of those "others" could do no wrong, do no harm at all when compared to those that society chooses instead to exonerate and glorify, and grant emoluments and remunerations unendingly to no good end. While if those damned villains would just go to some permanent vacation spot somewhere, live in the lap of luxury, and never return, then they'd instantly improve both society and the country, in terms of quality of life, national security, and public safety and tranquility. I CAN PLAY WITH MY THUMBS FOR THEIR ENTIRE COLLECTIVE SALARY AND DO MORE GOOD. So much for the pretentious idiocy of the dirty fifth column and their hordes of duplicitous turnkey pseudo-citizens. Soon it will all be forcibly collapsed, because guess what? They don't need you anymore! And you're starting to be more of a problem than you're worth. They'll just keep all the advanced technology, resource stores, and automated everything for themselves. They’ll also be keeping around a much smaller “skeleton crew” of flesh servants for “various purposes”. As the Chinese say, may you have an interesting time!


Rich-Nio said...

A sweet, quiet voice cries out from a hidden, locked room begging you to listen - this is your Spirit/true self, and this is the message that you are to hear:

Wen Ao Long said...

In just four short years the world has gotten much more interesting, hasn't it?