
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Money is Sacred, Counterfeiting of It Is What Lies at The Root of so Much Evil

Gold is a symbol of the Sacred for a good reason: It is difficult to counterfeit, and it has a stable, enduring, beautiful quality that allows it to symbolize values of exchange in a community, helping to establish a common wealth in which each person's wealth can better grow to the service of everyone else's. That requires a sociopolitical trust that is stable enough and coherent enough to generate the authority and process of issuing currency, and that is no small matter but implies a great deal of good faith and credit all around.  Therefore the corruption of such a process is a great crime and a form of profound treason.

So fraud was generally understood to be the presentation of the image of a value that is without the backing of the actual substance.  It can consist of degrees, so that the image may present as a certain value, and the actual substance may consist of a mere fraction of that value, ranging from an infinitesimal amount less than the full value of the image, all the way down to absolute zero.  Surely it is possible to go into the negative as well, and this happens whenever there is some substance behind the image which reverses the quality of the value shown.  Take food for example.  If there is the image of excellent and nutritious food, but the actual fact is that it is without much nutritional value, then that is a form of fraud that is a fraction of the value presented.  But if, regardless of its nutritional value, it also contains a poison that damages the health of someone who eats it, then that goes further than simply presenting some amount of nutritional value and delivering some amount which may be less.  It actually damages the health of the person.  And since the health of the person is what nutrition supports, and to damage health is worse than to offer no benefit, we could say that fraud may be a fraction of the value, none of the value, or a negation of the value.

So there could be all sorts of fraud in this context.  You might be offered a richly nutritious meal that is priced over its value, or you might be offered a semi-nutritious meal that is presented as though much more nutritious, yet priced at the level of its actual value, so that it appears you are getting more for your money than you are, although you are not getting less than what your money ought to buy.  Worse, there is the possibility of getting poison added, so that even the best and most nutritious food offered for free would be not only of no real value, but of negative value.  It is better to pay money to NOT EAT AT ALL  in that case.

We know that an economy is the social networking of people who exchange goods and services, and that this is enhanced by the development of a monetary system.  We also know that any monetary system gains its utility because of the pre-existing economy, and that the economy which is enhanced thereby grows in value due to the increased efficiency of exchange that is made possible by the use of money.  So while the value of money is equal to its value added to the economy through the enhancement it brings, the value of the money in the economy is fixed to the relative values of the goods and services themselves.  It is not that it is impossible for money to be a token of exchange which is itself a valuable commodity, this can also be the case.  But the value of that commodity used as currency is tied to its use in that respect only insofar as it actually enhances the exchange of already existing goods and services!

There is no such thing as "money, valuable in itself".  There are commodities that are valuable, such as tobacco, and which can be used as currency, but the value of tobacco AS CURRENCY  is simply it the degree to which the economy is enhanced bg its use as money.  Likewise, the value of the tobacco as currency in the economy is strictly tied to the goods and values which are exchanged in the economy, minus its own value as a commodity in itself.

So if we have an economy in which tobacco is used as a currency, then of course the tobacco can be valuable by itself as something people may smoke or process in different ways.  Perhaps it would be even better to suggest the Hemp plant as a currency commodity, since it has so many varieties of use in industry, food, and medicine.  It's already a value, and that value cannot be "counterfeited" unless you can somehow develop "fake hemp".  It doesn't just grow everywhere to such a degree that it can't have some relatively stable value in the economy, but can be grown well enough to be a staple of the economy with a somewhat predictable value based upon expected amounts grown and harvested every year, its demand in different sectors of the economy as a raw material, and this gives it a stable value. Everything in an economy in which hemp's value is well-appreciated can have a value understood in proportion to a given amount of hemp in a very justifiable, intelligible way that is not likely to change radically over time.  If it did, then it would be  possible to simply switch the currency over to another commodity which had more stable properties in relation to the economy as a whole.

But if we were talking ideal commodities for a currency, it would seem that homogeneous substances, with a wide array of utility, and with an enduring quality that is resistant to change in the form of decomposition or any other alteration, would be better in the service of a currency.  It would have to be relatively scarce, safe to handle, imperishable over time, easily converted into tokens representing specific amounts.  Precious metals and semi-precious metals meet these requirements.  They are a commodity which in most contexts represents a certain amount of labor, time, energy, resources, and which in increasingly modern contexts represents many valuable uses in various sectors of industry.  Gold, silver, copper, nickel, platinum, and their alloys with one another and with other metallic elements can be a very efficient way to create money for an economy.  Their worth as a practical commodity useful specifically as a currency, even without reference to their other values as jewelry, electronics components and other technological uses, chemical ingredients in various industrial processes or as elements in specialized machinery.  So before those uses are considered, as a sheer currency these elements can be superior as a currency to many other reasonably suitable commodities.

In that they are elemental substances with predicable properties such as density, luster, ductility, tensile strength, conductivity, and other properties, it is possible to be better sure of their purity and genuineness than with many other substances, especially in that they are elemental and exist as stable forms of natural materials at their most basic levels in atomic form.  It's easy to see that such things are typically impossible to counterfeit without there being a way to find out, and that's also part of their value as a currency.

The question arises how such a thing as currency would be properly introduced into an economy? First we might look at the entirety of the economic process without bringing currency of any kind directly into the scene.   If there are already a stable aggregate of economic actors trading goods and services, it is already conceivable that people who produce goods and services are aware of how difficult it is for them to acquire those goods and services per the components of the goods, the rarity of those who can work them into those goods, the rarity of the skill required for certain services, the demand which exists for those versus the supply which can be made available at those costs and difficulties, and so those can all be assessed by those who produce the supply to be worth to them a certain amount of any given amount of commodities which also exist in the economy, so that based on the total supply of anything wanted by anyone, and what proportion of any of that supply anyone can claim as their right by production of it, they can determine how much they are willing to give for what by negotiations with one another that will approach a bottom line where everyone gets about as much as they give, although each may get more than they give if they find that a certain amount of utility which what they get is greater for them than the utility of what they give.

So for example a blacksmith needs metals to work with to produce his goods.  He needs tools to start with.  Once he's up and running with those he can reproduce those himself.  If he is the only one in a given area who can serve as a blacksmith, then his skill will be in high demand.  If it turns out that working before dawn and after dusk every day he still cannot meet everyone's needs in a rapid enough way that they can get their orders in a reasonable time, then that is a functional limit on the growth of that economy insofar as it depends upon the forging of goods by a blacksmith.  The bottom line will not cease to be that he must have the requisite materials and tools, must have the facilities, must have the energy and food, must have the other things he needs, and these must be supplied by others who may or may not require much from him in return as a blacksmith per se. Insofar as the economy had already prospered sufficiently to make the existence of the novelty of metalworking possible, without it already being necessary, his craft is new and untested and demand for it will be at first undeveloped as the appreciation of its utility is not yet developed.  When its utility is demonstrated in various ways, then the gains it brings every aspect of the economy tells and the blacksmith can assert a demand for what his services and goods are worth, and this would eventually be worth enough of what else is available in the economy that he can support his needs in the full spectrum of a typical household's needs simply through his work in this specific trade.

So what the blacksmith demarcates is a level of economic activity that fundamentally separates the general and the specialized on one hand, the simple and the complex on another, the primitive and the advanced in yet another. Letting him stand for a certain productive factor of a special sort, we can look at his work as being made possible only by all the other goods and services which are the prerequisite.  There must be farmers, ranchers, and foragers, stoneworkers and woodworkers, miners, and textilers.  This would seem to be a basic minimum, and human society worked within the economic thresholds set by those facets of human need served by those specialities for a very long time before metalworking came along.  As surplus goods were possible by the efficiency which was obtained in these arts, then more human beings could be sustained in existence over a given area of land by the productive efforts of a fixed amount of labor.  Of course it would not be reasonable to simply let an increase in population exist which was to feed upon the produce of the other, preexisting number, with the former being the beneficiaries of the latter, as that would relegate to slavery in just that proportion the productive class which made the beneficiary class possible in the first place, and could well have done without their existence all the better!

But let's not say that we go that route and set up some class above the task of working for the common good, and let's say rather that as they come into existence they are tasked to join the workforce which made their existence possible in the first place. In so doing we would find that, all else being equal, they reduce the intensity of work needed to produce the same amount of goods and services which support everyone, and so while the total amount of value produced is the same, everyone receives no less than before, and the workload is easier, and the durability of the workforce is increased.  Likewise, this means that with the same amount of goods and services available for less work, there are is more time for each person to spend away from work, more time to spend at work to create more surplus to cover lean times or emergencies, more human beings doing more original and innovative things (hopefully), and the opportunity to begin shifting the workload according to the proclivities and abilities of the people who will participate in the work.

That is an overall qualitative improvement that is a result both of the efficiency of the work done, and the novelties of action which are possible only with some amount of durability of population and increased freedom of time per person, along with increased varieties of human specimens which are available at increasing rates with increased population sizes.  This can ideally help to develop better methods and systems of work which create more time for activities other than work, or at least other than merely subsistence work, or if nothing else increased surpluses of goods and services which could be held in reserve for security against exigencies of any kind, or else again spent on increasing the population.

Leaving aside any injustices which might result from people's intent to cheat or otherwise harm anyone else in the population, there are inefficiencies which stem simply from the unideal circumstances of nature's starting conditions at any given time, and which cause there to be various unpredicted and possibly unpredictable mismatchings or suboptimal matchings of persons to tasks, persons to persons, groups to groups or groups to environments, and these can be better worked out as the efficiency and surpluses got from improved economics and methodological and technological progress come along.  That would be a wholesome way to invest a certain minimum of all economic proceeds before considering any raw population increases.

Probably it would best work in this order:

1)Increased time for all
2)Increased surplus for all
3)Increased durability of work assignments
4)Increased opportunity to develop and work in new ways which enhance the economy of work
5)Increased opportunity to develop and work in new ways which enhance the economy of action beyond work
6)Increased opportunity for a stable increase in population with all its attendant ramifications for the preceding

Up to the point of metalworking and advanced arts of craft and engineering, there is a conceivable eternity of ever-improving economic conditions based on no further advancements than those basic modes of economic action mentioned before the "blacksmith/engineer" class of human worker.  Even without adding any science beyond that which augments specifically pre-metallic arts and crafts, and even without any inventions of games or sports or fine arts of any kind, there is ample room for the human being to develop and express his form of life without any need for injustice of one done to another, nor any need to fear the loss of civilized progress or of his species as a whole, and there is ample room for him to grow indefinitely across all of space and time in any "earthly conditions".

Obviously many complicating factors exist which are both from human environments and also from the human condition in and of itself. But leaving those aside, there is no need for concern for moving beyond a certain technological limit, pre-metalworking, nor any need to concern ourselves with the question of recreational activities per se beyond rest and the enjoyment of his own fruits of his work, as well as the ever-increasing augmentation of these toward greater and greater optimization.

There will be food, shelter, medicine, clothing, water supplies, spices, cuisine, family, friendship, language, thought, science, rest, pleasure, exercise, all manner of human action.

Add to all this, there will also be abundance of all those things, and an abundance of time as well.  There will also be an abundance of fecundity in the form of growth in numbers and in terms of the manifestation of novelties .  And all of this is conceivable before beginning to introduce the merest metallic object or any of its uses.  It's easy to see that with woodworking and textiling, agriculture and animal husbandry, horticulture and pharmacology, language and thought, methods of art and formulae of science, there is no need of humanity which cannot be met.  But add to all this music, sculpture, painting, poetry, storytelling, dance, yoga, architecture, and so on, and do all this without metal, and there is an amazing amount of happiness and enjoyment of free time which is possible for people.  Let chemistry be developed but let metalworking still be left out of the picture, as far as such is possible, and there can be an amazing amount of further progress in all areas of human action already developed.  Let there be all sorts of scientific discoveries which are possible without the working of metal, and many technological advancements which can result from those discoveries in tandem with crafts which still yet exclude metalworking, and still much more progress can be made, and perhaps in ways not possible or likely for us to envision in our "post-metallic" world.

But let's just say that there can be radical abundance and progress without the working of metal in ideal circumstances if only human beings were willing to meet the challenges of life with the sort of commitment and zeal which would make that possible.  But then what if we include metal-working?  Then all the aforementioned is still possible, only now as augmented and improved and enhanced, and diversified as only the existence of metal and its workings in art and science could make possible!

It should be admitted that with his early inclusion in the economic system, the metalworker is a welcome addition, but not a necessary one.  But let it also be admitted that with his inclusion and consequential developments we now have a radical departure from a world of humanity in co-existence with nature which now forms economies that involves features not readily found in nature in any form, and which do not readily return to nature to be recycled into her original bounty.

Let's say that the stoneworking class is the apex of human economy of nature-manipulation toward the ends of tools and objects of value made out of matter found in nature.  Then of course the woodworking class is a class parallel to that, and both are able to work together to produce tools, shelter, durable commodities, all of which are of value to every member of human society.  This clearly has some value for everyone who engages in any other activity, although people would not die immediately without it nor starve without it, nor suffer in any way without it in the same way that they would possibly be harmed if there were a loss of economic actors and activity in any of the other areas of meeting human needs.  Yet, if we realize that there are levels of efficiency which could not be obtained without the crafts of these two classes, the wood/stone working classes, then we realize that if a population size and an attendant lifestyle of that population existed which were dependent upon the developments in all the other areas of economic activity which were made possible to that level only due to the integrated existence of all the artifacts of wood and stone which made them possible, then a depreciation of those arts and crafts and their resultant output of infrastructure, objects, and their maintenance, would mean a depreciation of conditions capable of supporting that size of population and quality of life had by those people in that socioeconomic domain.

So the value of any echelon of any art or craft is proportional to the loss of marginal utility which would result if its "state of the art" were diminished in any way, whether as to quality or quantity of output.

If the quality were very fine and of a high standard, then it is probably the case that it would be the first to suffer, before the quantity of what was less fine and high in standard.  If the arts and crafts that were more refined and specialized were the first to go, then that would mean a reduction of the existence of a class of goods and services, and a reduction back to a lower scale of quality, but not necessarily a debilitation of a quantity of goods and services so that a lower, but still quite high standard of life could persist, and still be justly and well-distributed among all the same quantity of population.

Regardless of those ups and downs, and leaving out still the issue of injustices and criminal activities of any kind, there is the possibility held in abstracta that people could receive a quantity of goods and services proportional to the quantity and quality of what they themselves produce.  That this could ideally be fair and just is all that is needed to understand that injustice amounts to a deviation from that ideal, nothing less, nothing more.  It may be the case even yet, as said before, that this occurs only because humanity had yet to optimize conditions, discover the fullness of potentials, realize the true value and nature of things fully, and so did not yet better approach the ideal and most just distribution of tasks and rewards, but was not necessarily negligent of a proper investment into such adjustments, and was not necessarily intentionally involved in the existence of such inequities nor of their ignorance of them nor of their current failure to correct them.  It may be that due diligence was done, and efforts were and are being made in good faith, and people are not severely debilitated in their quality of life and happiness beyond what was forced upon them by the exigencies of natural conditions still outside the power of human beings to mitigate or control despite their best efforts and abilities to date.

Nevertheless, we would understand that metal-working beyond stone-working, and stone-working beyond wood-working, represent a tendency of humanity to develop methods and means which take forms of matter harder to work and make of them artifacts and processes which are increasingly strategic and dynamic in their impact on his consequent actions and conditions.  Then we see that the sciences which maximize the manipulation of matter whether as to kind or degree of matter manipulated or as to the refinement and complexity of those manipulations increases the variety and quality of human activities in each area of his life, and increases the areas of human activity that are possible in all forms of expression, whether practical or recreational, concrete or abstract, public and social or private and individual. 

As a result of viewing the economic process in this way, the only meaningful addition which is brought into the picture with the notion of a currency is to objectify and standardize in some normative form the exchange process itself.

  It doesn't perform another function, nor is there any other means of performing this function which works as efficiently. It is possible to accept receipts for goods and services received as a statement of debt to that provider, and then issue a complementary statement of indebtedness to the provider which authorizes him to acquire from the economy an equivalent value, but then he'd have to bargain at each place he went, showing his trade balance, and in each case he'd have to argue that "the economy" owes him some equivalent value.  Then those to whom he showed this balance would have to decide of those who received these services were members in good standing of that economy, and whether or not their contributions to the economy were sufficient to warrant compensation through that transaction now requested of them, and then from that point, as it were, offset the original debtor by some agreed amount with their own contribution to the holder of that debt. Therefore the first debt acquired, say from a transfer of goods from B to A, would be offset by some amount by a transfer of goods from C to B, whereby C acquires some portion of that debt. At some point we have to expect that there is going to be a contribution of goods or services by A to some series of receivers of that value who eventually contribute, at the end of that chain, a delivery of goods or services to C which completes that particular circle of exchange of values.  And it would have to be negotiated in each case what these exchanges are worth so that a final assessment of the original debt of A to B could be assessed finally.

But that would be an unwieldy way of going about matters.  Rather it would be much better to decide upon a commodity of some kind which everyone in the economy could agree represented a certain value to everyone, something that was reliably of the same value from person to person in that economy, allowing for an averaging of the variations in that value from person to person, but with an average value that has the smallest possible range of differences in valuation compared to all the rest of the commodities available in quantity, and which could be most homogeneously valued if broken down into small denominations which could measure up to any of the least valued goods and services in the economy.  Ideally, from that point, it would also be durable and therefore have a long "shelf life".  Forging coins out of metal, or discs out of jade, or some other such method could bypass the entire issue of the value of such a commodity "in itself" and simultaneously meet the requirements of an ideal type of substance to use for the currency due to its suitable qualities for that purpose.  Other types of items or substances could also suffice for that purpose, but the key thing is that it should be something not readily or easily acquired, so that it could represent a stable value for that purpose as a currency, a value which would have normally been innate to any other commodity in the economy which had a value independent of the existence of any utility as a currency.

To avoid counterfeiting, this should be the minimum asked of a currency, that it be difficult to come by without a value being guaranteed by that token of currency, even if it is just difficulty which comes with acquiring such a substance from the clutches of nature.  But it is worth the while to develop such a device, and its value as a currency makes the effort worthwhile because it coordinates the process of exchange via an objective medium that bypasses the vicissitudes of evaluating each unique exchange as a debt to be recorded and held in suspension until a satisfactory record of a proper series of exchanges occurs which offsets it "properly", and by no certain means of estimating their consistency of valuation from exchange to exchanges, especially if the actual process of such a series of exchange were complicated or very long.  That means that what currency represents is the validity of an exchange process across a series of economic contributors which uses currency as a token of value establishing the relative value of goods and services across the economy, and allows each person involved to better estimate what their goods and services are worth to the economy versus what they hope to gain from the economy, and this is the consolidation of each person's wealth into a common wealth which is represented by that circulating currency.  And if that currency represents that flow of values, and if it is to do this efficiently, it must have integrity. And in order for that to be ensured, then there must be standards which require that currency be introduced in some stable relation to the existing state of the common wealth, and that requires an authority to assess such a condition to the satisfaction of all the participants involved.

And since that common wealth is held in common, and since that currency represents the size and value of that economic union of contributors to that wealth held in common through a union of exchanges, then they should agree to establish a covenant wherein the assessment of the value of the common wealth has an objective relation to the amount of currency brought into the economy.  How could that be done?  Establish, by some assembly of representatives of that common wealth's creators, an agreed upon standard of worth denominated by some agreed upon form of currency.  Then issue that currency to each participant according to the size and value of their holdings of goods as appreciated in terms of that currency, and likewise develop an assessment of the value of their services over some standard period of time based upon the rate at which they would be expected to serve over that period of time and at what quality of service which would be the average of their services over that period of time.  That period of time would also represent the period of time used to establish the quantity of goods expected to be produced by those who produce goods, and their value assessed as a function of the demand which is estimated for those goods over that period of time, as in how much they can be expected to deliver to others over that time, and what that value would be in terms of the currency agreed upon.  Then let that amount which is established for each participant be issued to them as a certificate from the convened authority, and held in trust for each person will be a quantity of currency which those certificates can demand at the end of that period of time, where those certificates are held by other members of the economy who sold goods and services, and therefore the standard means of exchange is established in the form of those certificates, but they are redeemable for "hard currency" upon demand by someone who is their bearer but not the one to whom they were originally issued.

So if someone whose value to the economy were assessed with a certain value, and they spent their certificates, then those who received those certificates could receive hard currency at the fruition of that period of time over which the assessed value of everyone's contribution was at first established.  Then at that time, if someone spent all their certificates and received goods, but didn't receive any certificates (say), then they could not receive any hard currency, obviously. Nor could they anymore receive certificates, since their value was over-assessed so severely, and they are now in a state of complete debt equal to the supposed value of their total stock assessment for that period of time. The value of their stock turned out to be less than their acquisitions from the economy (much less).  But that would be an extreme case and that would suggest that more than an economic concern was at issue.  Let's say instead that their value was less than assessed, but significantly more than zero.  Then their debt would be much smaller, and this would  mean that their currency would be an amount less than expected, and that difference would be recognized as a depreciation of the value of their stock, and their prices would be changed accordingly, and the certificates issued for the next period of time would be accordingly less, and this process could continue in each case until they were able to reach an equilibrium and concrete standards could be developed which would be consistently reflected over time. 

Then at that point, which could be established as some empirical standard of equilibrium that is reached between the expected value and the actual value, then at that point that person could convert their certificates into hard currency, and that amount would be equal to their reliably assessed average contribution to the common wealth at that time.  From then on, they have their own currency, as well as their own wealth which it represents.  That wealth is a function of the common wealth as their contribution to it over that period of time.  That is the sign given to them of their own good faith and credit to the rest of the economy. They still have their land, goods, and talents which were granted to them by fortune, fate, God, etc, and over which they steward more or less responsibly, and they can still accept certificates or hard currency, and can spend either.  But their wealth no longer need be tied directly tied directly to their holdings as a function of expected versus actual returns in the economy, but can be transacted as a function of their acquired wealth in monetary form, just so long as they have enough of that and their own holdings in a process of reciprocal exchange in the economy so that what they receive from it is less than the total value of their stewarded holdings plus their wealth. In this scenario "stewardship over holdings" replaces "ownership of possessions".

And of course if a person should ever run out of currency for whatever reason, and if the demand for their goods should drop, their credit for any loans would be a function of their history of transactions in that common wealth, all of which could be tracked and assessed by that convened authority or its delegation of authority for that purpose.  Congress has the authority to mint our currency, so why are we pretending our good faith and credit is inferior to the supposed good faith and credit of foreign powers or private interests of any kind, given that the United States of America is actually and potentially the most productive and inventive land the world has ever known. But let's move on to the issue of the systems of fraud which have made the worst of what could have been so simple and straightforward and converted our commonwealth into a trash heap of pseudo-debt and corruption so absurdly rotten that it's become a circus of mockeries rather than a transaction of values and progress of developments.

So going back to our beloved blacksmith, we can see how he comes into the economy, as with each member.  He was already a member according to the goods and services he had stably traded with others, and according to the wealth the possessed which was recognized by that economy.  He then began offering blacksmith services and goods from his craft.  He himself invested his own wealth into that process and/or so did other investors.  Then the returns were at the expected amount or were more or less, and his prices were adjusted accordingly, and the costs of the overhead assessed versus those gains and a profit or loss was assessed, and this goes on until the venture either grows or collapses. This process can be as objective as anyone could ask, and it doesn't require convincing any particular person in the economy what the value of blacksmithing is per se in order to begin an exchange of goods and services as a blacksmith.  In this way a venture such as blacksmithing can be conceived based upon an index of the costs that go into into it versus the expected values which will be returned from its being traded on the market, all by means of a quantitative index that stably represents the value of every aspect of this activity in relation to the economy into which it is being ventured.  That is another value of having a stable currency, it allows for the more well-calculated development of new arts and crafts into the commonwealth as well as a better assessment of their actual value to the economy which might not be directly expressible as any other particular amount of good or service in a direct exchange.

This can clearly benefit innovators and people who know how to work smarter rather than just harder, and it can help people better assess whether they are gaining from doing any of that in a way that can be graduated and objectified rather than just "eyeballed" and "guesstimated".  That is what will enable the increased development of an economy that ensures that people will be as well-rewarded for their contribution as is possible, especially when the quality and degree of contribution, and also the kind of contribution begins to become either more abstract or more specialized, more advanced and more complex.

What happens in the real world rather than this idealistic outline of it is that human beings are not satisfied with operating within the limits of optimal economic activity, nor are they satisfied with being duly diligent to considerations of fairness and justice.

History, especially in light of current events, shows us that what has been just said is true.  Every advance in technique and technology has come with every form of immorality and criminality taking full advantage of these developments for the sake of a kind of "gain" which can only be considered for the True and Just Man to be a kind of severe loss, no matter in what way it happens, no matter in what way we consider it.  There is no "bright side" to this evil shadow, no matter what apologetic fools say.

First of all, as I've said, it is easily conceived that if human beings would simply act according to the True and Just principles which he can use his intellect to conceive Rightly, then the he would be immune to all of these evils of nature and overtime completely overcome nature with his own superior idea.  But instead what has he done?  When the best and brightest have set up his institutions of advancement over nature, the worst and the dimmest among him take these developments and use them to create an underclass of victims over whom to exercise beastly appetites and vicious iniquities, and instead of correcting the injustices of the natural circumstances and optimizing the conditions of the status quo of humankind, the villains who usurp the reigns of authority of any kind always find a myriad of ways to transform human action into a circus of organized criminality with a permanent "criminal elite" and a permanent "victim peasantry".  It turns out that the constant target of these wicked agendas are those very Ones who brought the better quality of life to human existence, who made the better life possible for everyone.  These Ones discovered the arts and sciences, the crafts and traditions which were all worth inventing and keeping.  These Ones brought these great things into existence, and in trade the masses of humanity simply aligned with the evil ones who managed to fit their bestial, demonic minds into these same bodily forms, and who then turned all and any against those who made that better life possible, and all this to the discredit of the common human being, and all this to the utter discredit of those who have declared themselves the proper authorities over him.

This has happened so many times and in so many ways, for so long, and so severely that at this time, at the height of human technological and methodological capability, the worst conceivable crimes are being systematically conducted by the worst possible souls and minds, wearing veils of authority befitting only the Good and Just, veils worn so thin by guilt and shame that it is a mockery akin to the wearing of an animal skin by a vicious savage, yet as to the condition of the affair it is well-suited to the occasion, because the monster that wears the face and skin and carries the emblems of the Righteous does so just as if he were a beast dressed as a Man, no longer even looking the part properly, not even putting up a half-decent act.  Of course it can be shown that this was possible because the weaponization of all the most advanced methods and technologies of the True Man enable the distortion of the physical human brain/ mind complex to such a degree that he can be made into an absurd clay, shaped arbitrarily according to the whims of those who have absolutely no respect for the better potentials of that clay as it would be transformed by Better Men. Just as The Divine Spirit's Energy has been perverted to a destructive course by an evil mind, so has the ingenuity of the Best Men been turned into a device which degrades the brains and minds of human beings into something akin to that of a side-show freak's twisted mockery of a mind and mentality.

Naturally this comes without any acknowledgement of those who succumb readily to such hideous transformations, as the ability to recognize a quality requires that quality exist in a sufficient measure in the mind which can so recognize. That is not possible for a broken and bent simulacrum, especially as it suffers under the constant torture and deforming alterations of a mind hell-bent on destroying any vestige of the True Man and His Nature, while keeping the byproducts of His passing in this world as far as it is possible to do so while keeping the True Man Himself suppressed as though a mere natural resource, to be tapped when needed and then canned and shelved away when that is more convenient.  But since this is not the True Order of Nature as allied to Divine Will, this is a war against that Divine Will, and is ever unstable just as humankind's tinkering with radioactive elements and the more primitive forms of harnessing them for energy is also an ever-dangerous and ever-difficult enterprise.

As a basic example of how this has unfolded, we can look at the forms of fraud which have persisted throughout the history of humankind, and focus especially on those forms which have come to be in the recent epoch of his transformation by way of the Enlightenment, provided as a double edged sword that, unbeknownst to the evil-minded, when used against the Righteous, while it does cause them harm temporally, it rebounds in direct proportion and causes a far deeper, and eternal harm to those who have mis-wielded it.

Counterfeiting of the currency was a primary way that those who falsely held the offices of authority ensured for themselves a firmer grip on the lives of those over whom they lorded their tyranny.  By always ensuring for themselves a prime cut of the developments of any economic action by this means, they had always the power to "get the jump" on the rest of the populace and advance ahead of them in every way physically possible under the economic conditions of their time.

Coopting the developments of any art, craft, and science also enabled them to ensure a qualitative edge over the rest of the populace, while doling out to them a reduced and inferior version of the same developments, saving for themselves and their criminal class access to those superior prototypes and their resulting developments, with access being direct or indirect in proportion to the rank in their criminal hierarchy, and in such a way that this made their own echelons more stable and enduring than otherwise, though it would have been impossible without a slave class made up of unwitting brutes who just pour their nerve and muscle into the works, along with a quaint minority of Spiritual Beings imprisoned here who, because of their fleshly confusions, had supplied a reliable flow of invention and ingenuity sufficient to ensure forward progress of the criminal class while this would always precede the consequent betrayal of those ingenious dupes when it was impossible to hide from them anymore that their work would be used against the human slave class and themselves as well if they objected, and sometimes even if they didn't object because they were never to be trusted, as they were already too clever, too informed of what was to be kept secret, and perhaps able to develop a conscience which could rise even from the ashes of their already manifest self-betrayal.  Better safe than sorry once the goods have been gotten, says the evil criminal overlord.  There'll always be new specimen of ingenious dupe in each generation, the evil tyrant surmised.

Of course by maintaining a façade of propriety, paying lip service to the values and purposes of the Righteous which were still ensconced in the traditions of the realm and which were by rote recapitulated in the inertial forms of the status quo of custom, law, and common sense as it operated minimally in the base human, thereby the corrupt pseudo-elite could continue to maintain the human circus / animal farm they'd constructed, while hoarding its best developments unto themselves, and using all the mechanisms at their disposal to covertly, and where possible overtly log-jam the developments enjoyed by the slave class.

Besides keeping that slave class around for whatever utility they still minimally served, they were also kept for experimental purposes as guinea pigs, both for "open air" operations and also for top-secret "black box" experimentation. The overall utility of the human creature at this point was as raw material for the nourishment and entertainment of the corrupt class so as to have a constant stock of victims at their disposal for any form of perverse pleasure they might seek, and also to have a reliable store of material to throw at any situation that might require mass action of human beings rather than other sorts of resources.  But as before, also for experimentation on the perfection of various forms of manipulation and control which were always the ultimate arts and sciences of the evil criminal class, but now with a freer rein than ever before, and with more resources, more human material, and the most optimal conditions that they'd ever had for their evil crafts.

The ultimate of these developments has been the maximization of the image of a status quo of propriety being the fixation of the masses, while the actual conduct which takes place among them, with or without their awareness of its phenomena, can be as different and even contrary as the controllers would like.  Most importantly and ultimately was their intention to maximize this into a science so well-developed that it could even take into its clutches the Divine Spiritual Man and render him into an obedient slave who would devote all His Talent and Ingenuity to the service of his own debasement at the behest of those who would reap the benefits and inflict all the malfeasance without any danger of being recognized as doing this by their ultimate victim and prize, the Divine Man, and all while being able to dish out any blame and reprisals onto their Perfect Slave should he show even the slightest inkling of rebellion, especially if it grew out of any Innate Moral Awareness, which could only be due to His Sovereign Spiritual Heritage.

Never in the history of the world has the class of evil controllers and their useful underlings ever been closer to their most hideous goal, their most sought objective, than in this recent era of the maximization of fraud by means of covert, ubiquitously deployed technocratic tyranny.

As generally explained, the ability to usurp authority by all the conventional methods of violence and fraud were conducted, and the systematic abuse of these offices, crowned by their duplicitous use of law and their covert civil warfare operations while operating under the cover of being servants of the law, all while draped in the emblems of virtue and honor which were inseparable from the traditional conceptions of authority, enabled them to create a de facto slave class by many devices, not the least of which in power and effectiveness was the manipulation of the currency to suit their evil ends, especially through outright theft, graft, and counterfeiting.  Further was their systematic usurping of the best technology for their own benefit, weaponizing it against the slave class and its own inventors, while granting at best a junky, inefficient redaction to the slave class.

In order to proceed to discuss the modes of fraud which are maximized by current technological and methodological standards, I should first go into the details of the sort of social infrastructure which makes their perfidy possible over the longer haul, and which enables them to interface with their slave/victim class so that they can manipulate it as they see fit, and draw from it what they want, and inject into it what they will.  This social mechanism had always existed among the criminal class and it always obtained in certain forms in the way that they interfaced with the common social strata the slave class.  It still exists in the same forms which it always had, despite any new outward forms or superficial alterations of its appearance.

Overall, the internal structure of the criminal elite groups can be characterized as a hierarchy of power-hungry psychopaths who each envisions himself as the ultimate chief among them, if only his chance would arise.  Each one will spend their days slaving for the gang while seeking to climb to the top rung in it for at leas a brief joy ride at the top before they face their own demise, likely at the hands of, or at least at the behest of, one of their own colleagues in crime.  Together, they work to maintain a façade of being somehow an expression of, a part of the "people", but inwardly and in their secret confidences they acknowledge that they are the beneficiaries of the slave class over which they must first and foremost work to maintain under their control. Their efforts are divided, therefore, into maintaining their role in their cult of villainy, solidifying the security of their positions, seeking to ascend in its ranks or at least to increase their benefits within its status quo, but all the while making sure to work together, at minimum, to maintain their coercive and manipulative control over the de facto slave class, "the cattle, the peasants", whom they pay lip service to by acknowledging them as the working man, as the middle class of professionals, as "the people".

In Truth, this group is a classical "5th column", and has always existed since ever corruption met power, especially power wedded with authority.  Therefore, insofar as they have the need to maintain some relation of control over the masses who serve as their property for use, they have had to have a "middle class" which recruits from the best talents of the lower classes, and consolidates their best fruits, yet also serves as the clearing house of those values and goods to be offered to the covert criminal overlords as the readily accessible distillation of the values of "the people" into a form already "handed up and refined" for the "royal class" to derive their gains, and also to cement their politics of control by working over that field by various devices of fraud best described as "the long con".

They use their manipulative advantage of being the spider at the center of the web to intrigue the middle class elements against one another and against the lower classes, while in that confusion trading loyalties and performing intricate betrayals so as to keep the middle class dangling onto a fantasy of upward mobility impossible for most if not almost all of them, while choosing only the most useful while also the most corrupt of that class for rotation into the perfunctory roles of service in the upper tiers of the outer facades of the institutions of "the people", while replenishing their own stock very carefully by choosing only those from among these who are seen to be choicest by whatever criteria these "inner party" fiends have for that selection process.

Maintaining the stability of illusions concerning the status of people and their possibilities and potentials is the true status quo of the corrupt elitists, while enjoying the benefits of promising long but delivering short is their bread and butter.  Its all a major mind screw which is delivered to "the people" while the bottom line is that "the people" are enslaved and tortured while their overlords and beneficiaries pretend to be their hardworking, noble, virtuous servants and benefactors.  Couldn't be simpler than this, and this is actually how it is.

Concerning the interfacing "associate class" of underlings and middle managers who keep the machine of exploitation intact, they are found to be those who are content to stay in their positions, but are ambitious enough to be "good earners" in the eyes of their masters, while being cunning and vicious enough to keep those under them in line, and this extends all the way down to the surface layer of managerial-employee dynamics in the daily life of the "surface economy" (which I will go on to show is a "make work" mock up pseudo-economy, a circus of drama and torment, thrills and shills, nothing more).

This class of people are the one's who do the more labor intensive tasks which hold the whole con together.  They supervise the boards and faculties, they oversee the work projects, the grand experiments, the various city sectors, the various rungs of each major institution of the interlocking machine which constitutes the massive fleecing and butchering operation that is human society and its nation-state arrangements. They are the "sell outs" who are often in various ways genetically and circumstantially infected with some aspect of evil and succumb to it in spite of having the option to do otherwise, which morally and spiritually cements them into the evil hierarchy, yet enables them to act as a sort of face to the more gullible members of their social strata and guide them down the paths intended for them according to the programs issued from the upper echelons of evil.

This kind of hypocrisy is sustainable by these types due to their having some investment of Light within them on some level, and then their consequent betrayal of that Light in this final life-time in exchange for a far easier path in this life than they could look forward to if they were loyal to their Conscience and the Truth.  These evil traitors make the entire con possible, and include the upper echelons of the medical, scientific, technological, academic, and other professions.  They happily sit on the committees, lounge about on the boards, direct the associations and assemblies of their lesser-powered colleagues, who are themselves either less willing to directly participate in such evil conduct or, as often as not these days, simply less qualified.  The Saints in these groups are those who do the real work of their profession, end up going against the grain of the corrupt status quo, and end up being crucified by the very communities they have served and by the colleagues who betray them in order to stay in comfortably in the fold and who wish to avoid becoming a martyr or who even hope to get closer to a promotion in the occult hierarchy that they sense exists and which they slavishly fear.  That's becoming more the norm these days, judging by the material they are squeezing through the universities.

In this context it is easy to see how the distortions of every aspect of society can be arranged through a joint project of fraud utilizing classical counterfeiting methods, racketeering, coercion and other forms of fraud, all catalyzed by radical and systematic attacks upon the targeted "marks" (the majority of human society) by way of chemical, psychological, directed energy, weaponized 5th column activity at the local level, and various other forms of organized graft and sabotage, so that even today the basic fact of financial corruption at the foundation of our country cannot be grasped by the common person as the fact which it is, nor if it can be grasped, it cannot be appreciated, because despite comprehending or even understanding fundamentally what is going on, these people often still lack the impetus to properly gather this into a sense of what values are at stake and how this affects them, as if either their cognition were damaged, or the connection between that to their ability to evaluate and judge were damaged, or that faculty of evaluation and judgement itself wore damaged or any combination of all three.  And given the systematic corruption going on and the methods of abuse it employs to gain its evil and false wealth, it is not actually surprising to anyone who becomes attentive to these matters.

So concerning these groups and their de facto representatives and instruments: Because they operate contrary to the purposes which they claim to serve, both as the more culpable agents involved in these evil agendas and also as entire classes and groups of social agents, these all comprise a de facto 5th column. 

They have sabotaged the very purposes of their professions by destroying the best of their fields who insisted on integrity, assisting in this by direct action or by looking the other way, all while enabling the fruits of ingenuity and progress to be usurped by pathetically evil liars and criminals who pretend to be NOBLE, of all things, and who are the lowest scum of the earth, PERIOD.

They are the extensions of that deeper 5th column which strives against what is best for humanity, what would have been his only hope to extend himself to being redeemable as MANKIND,  and which is itself the simple and best way of describing all criminal mentality and action, and this is the essence of EVIL MINDEDNESS in the domain of human action.

I will discuss in more detail the grim details of the various methods and techniques, technologies and systems of their deployment which make these hideous and ancient practices of evil and their odious practitioners an exponentially aggravated version of their former selves, and hence have culminated an ancient prophecy/prediction, that which stated that when evil reaches its inevitable maximum in the world, at a key and critical juncture, The Great Destroyer (of evil) would come into the world and stamp out all evil and its manifestations, and would reclaim away all that could be redeemed, for whom such destruction could at worst only amount to a soothing purification of their connection and contact with evil, and this for an eternity hereafter.

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