
Friday, November 2, 2018

The Systemic Evil of the World

 And Its Vile Guilt, both Global and Local

Having looked at all of the empirical data that I could access, and determining the likelihood of any way that they could be interpreted in terms of both scalar and antivalent interpretations of their continuities and discontinuities, I have gotten a rather good view of the matter of "what" the world is, in terms of its self-manifesting properties, completely adventitious to my own conceptions or intuitions.  It is supposedly not a characteristic trait of my personality type, but personality typologies, somewhat like other typological characterizations, are not absolutes.  The will of the individual being is independent enough from those circumstances of its manifestation into material being, and those manifestations "rigged" enough in ways often contrary to the spiritual will, that often a given being, taken at random, will be quite "at odds" with aspects of its own supposedly determinative circumstances, be they genetic or environmental.  So the "sensing ", "perceiving", and "feeling" aspects, as well as the degree of extroversion needed to obtain the requisite data from those faculties and their unique interfaces with a given world, were indeed brought "online" and taken to their necessary termini. 

I attempted at first, of course, the "pure" approach, but found that this world in its various indigenous characteristics was simply not "on board" with that approach.  It became quickly apparent both in my own experience, in the manifest phenomena of the world at large, and in the deeper strata of the historical and the "non manifest" of the past and present in other non-recorded forms that the world is, basically and with many an evidence to attest to this, "up to no good".  If this were only a general feature of the world, it might have been amenable to various modulations of interpretation, ranging from it being only a temporary, or only aspectival sort of trend, to being a chronic but not all-consuming condition.  But the problem has become that it is certainly NOT merely such a spectrum of problems, and is not only far worse in intensity but also qualitatively and quantitatively far more sweeping, seriously grave, and systematic and replete with all the intent and motive requisite to establish the most damning guilt.  

For it is clear that the problem of the world's evil guilt is pervasive.   It is not only here and there, in clusters perhaps, or in some solid chunk at the core or periphery of the world, but it is found lurking in every corner.  I made reference to the empirical basis of my discovery of this feature of the world's evil guilt, and went into enough detail and found that enough others who were doing research incidental or essential to this discovery have also done this, and there is enough exposure on this subject, and this communication node is probably subverted enough that, all in all, there is neither any need nor purpose in going into those details again here.  Let's just say that we now live in a world where there is such a thing, for example, as organized crime operating under the guise of law enforcement, that traitors "protect the country", and that terrorists are here to teach us how to better citizens using distributed operations in an irregular warfare joint operation of forces which includes, among many other things, directed energy fields and arrays of full spectrum intelligence gathering systems, data collation and focused assessment systems (to include the "interwebz") which are powered by technology extorted from its inventors and of any proper relation to the public, then weaponized and with a resolution approaching if not exceeding the nanoscale (with sufficient quantum computing power lending simulations of the "rough edges" of both real and near-real time data). Leaving aside my intuition, metaphysical or otherwise, and leaving aside even many other empirical evidences, this "slice" of the situation should help someone understand what I mean by "pervasive".

For it is clear that the problem of the world's evil guilt is compartmentalized.   I do wish to retain a golden thread through these themes, so I will stick to the same range on the spectrum of phenomena. When a pervasively distributed element is brought into existence in this system of corruption of which I speak, it doesn't yield information in a transparent way that would reflect any assurance of there being moral and ethical accountability  (though it roughly pretends to do these things in the same way that a child trafficker dependably keeps up appearances of helping kids, nawmean?)  The result lends far more to the appearance of "need to keep secret" rather than "need to know" bases of efficiency.  It looks a lot less like a heroic spy saving lives and a lot more like a depraved coward hiding skeletons and worse in his closet, basement, red room and whatever other sort of dungeon, physical or electronic.  Not that such things are not admitted to exist as such, but they are far more pervasive, as I have said, and far more severe.  So in order to sustain such a system, these processes must be organized not only on a strictly "need to know" basis, but on a "need to keep secret to cover my own evil criminal ass" basis.  So there is definitely a lot that goes into this.  Chemical and electronic, and information warfare (through even hypermodern modalities, I should remind one), are used to truncate the average human specimen's capability to address matters which "exceed their pay grade" so to speak.  You are to be a  good little proletarian dufus (or else). The methods far exceed in kind, complexity and severity what I have mentioned, but as I've said, we are past the point of reiterations of that kind, let alone of writing well-polished, well-sourced tomes. 

For it is clear that the problem of the world's evil guilt is distributed. I could infer from the phenomena of the above alone that this is the case.  It isn't "merely" the case that there are forces found everywhere doing their thing as though by a "blind" physical or sociobiological law, and that the way they do their thing just happens to be segmented for the "mere" reason that some telic process has required this, but a willful, intentional, and deliberate process of organizing matters from a central base of authorization has taken place.  Obviously that is the case in a conventional sense, in that the entire world of phenomena is a distribution of such authorizations to act, and therefore demonstrates that there is "action at a distance" as well as "local action" in all spheres of human action. As they say, no shit.  But that is also the perfect cover for other forms of action which are not supposed to be taking place, using the ones that are "supposed" to be taking place as their cover and concealment, even their very mode of extension from potential into realization.  And it is not merely that such things happen because they are incidental to the supposedly normal processes, but in fact they happen in such a way that the "normal" processes exist largely in name only, and act as a "skin" behind which the majority of the structure of what is taking place occurs as the real purpose for the entire process, skin and all.  There is a whole-part relationship of economy that reveals the 'true cost' of what is taking place that is quite at odds with what is pretended and demanded to be believed, and the way it happens to take place across the full spectrum of directly related and only indirectly related systems of phenomena reveal that they are not disparate similarities of "coincidence of appearance", but are rather peripheral effects of a central cause that is organized deliberately so as to result therein.

More on this when my disgust with Crowds on Demand-type stalking subsides....

For it is clear that in the recent two years since my general assessment the world has since manifested a determined path toward intensifications of the previous conditions in the concrete form of a psychological and also chemical warfare operation directed at peoples all over the world. This takes the form of a clearly malicious assault on those peoples, and in which operation there has been comprehensive and organized perpetration of this operation as described in general outline above. The specifics of operation are shown in the creation of a pandemic narrative which is comprised by many fraudulent and malicious schemes to aggravate an emergency condition which is used as leverage to further direct assaults on people's and their rightful freedoms. Under substantively falsified and fraudulently represented pretexts, mass psychological and chemical assault is the clearly intended outcome, all with the most illegal and violent actions taken to accomplish this under the aegis of a blatant coup of the governments by means of both force and fraud. In this operation there is integrated entire media conglomerations and other coalitions of witting and willing participants under the guise of operating as independent agents of commerce. This is also true of medical, pharmaceutical, banking, stock companies, news outlets, entertainment (all areas and formats), NGOs, Lobbies, and so on. It is a mass-scale subversion converting into a mass-scale take-over. Yet as I outlined that there were already precedents of this conduct by power, it is endemic to all ongoing forms of its future. We are now in the future where the move straight into an open-air prison de jure will reveal the already existing de facto preparations laid in place already.

So it is clear that empirical reality has born out a trajectory of exponentiating evil, being exponentially expanded and actualized. It is now in all overt ways tantamount to a de facto prison, but with the additional features of openness and overtness that allows it further leverage by new control factors, or enhancements of former control factors already available to power. Now power executes its Total Control Agenda through just one of many possible forms toward which it was manifestly tending. The truncated pathways of human communication is so dominated by those perpetrating these crimes that people are more separated from essential information about their world even as they are deluged with weaponized information. The covertly manipulated internet topologies and more generally all communications topologies have drawn people into their networks and drawn them away from any feedback which can circumvent them. They are collectively behaviorally modified so as to reinforce the guiding narrative which leads to their culled and controlled consequences.

There are those who have demonstrated in this intervening time tremendous courage and honesty, astounding insight into some or even nearly all of these problems, but their influence is thoroughly filtered through processes that have probably also shunted public availability of my own published writings here and elsewhere. So even this very assessment is obfuscated, and naturally would be in worlds where this assessment were true. All this spells out a systemic evil in the world which continues, over time from any given point of assessment, does intensify exponentially toward further depths and varities of evil, while those who oppose it are fed to it as a spiritually nutritive and materially convenient scapegoat. This indicates an irreparable level of evil in a realm, and makes its being a world over any period of time a violation of All Sanctity, it is an aberration of Being which must be put out of existence. That will be arranged by the dispensation of Justice from the True Source of Reality which will be antivalent to the polarity of action of the entirety of the world, and that by the inversion of this effect only those polarized in the opposite direction from this realm will be preserved from destruction. That is the Great Transmutation, and no temporal action can escape it but only contribute to their own destiny within it. 

So in this condemnation nothing that is wholesome or good about the world is condemned, nor could they ever be. Much in the natural world is very improvable for the betterment of Man, but in this version of that possible world it doesn't materialize as the betterment of Man, but of the imprisonment and torture of same, with the utmost of evil deliberation and calculation, and with the most corrupt and depraved execution of the vile act. This must condemnt the guilty to spare the innocent, but leaves in this world no refuge for the innocent, and condemns the world all the more for that. It is a fort of evil in the cosmos at a minimum. Complete insanity, both cognitive and moral, complete absurdity in all matters of norms and mores. Ironclad for these purposes and systemically designed to be the master of the process that enslaves those it targets, whose lives and culture are socially engineered through full-spectrum dominance guided hybrid warfare. If the cosmos were like this, it would be an impossible wonder that anything good existed at all. So how can it continue even as a microcosmos. As a microcosmos it explains that what is good is not indigenous to this domain, and logically from a greater domain of existence upon which this one operates as a The Ultimate Parasite.  It  must from that Greater Reality that Justice must issue and will issue. I do not have to despise hyle to despise this formation of it. And it doesn't have to answer to my standard of justice to be forced to answer to Justice as such. The karmic debt alone is objectively almost beyond all reckoning and only accelerating exponentially.